Goodies for the Oldies #3

Raine Lore
1 min readMay 10, 2022
Cartoon of old people having fun
Images Charly Gutmann & 15079 from Pixabay

Have a Debate

Query the placement of the apostrophe in, “Old Folk’s Home”.

Brits can tear out what remains of dissenters’ hair.

Have a Stand-up Comedy Night

Only people in wheelchairs may register.

See how long the participant can stand before falling.

The audience may laugh when it is established that no hips have been broken.

Play Traffic Cop

Nominate one dude to stand in the corridor, naked.

When Mary totters along on her mobility aid, the nude dude holds up his hand like a cop and yells, “Stop!”

The dude explains that it is a random breath test.

He instructs Mary to blow into his breathalyzer.

Organise a Panty Raid

After lights out, men take a large carry bag and sneak into ladies’ rooms.

When five pairs of knickers have been collected, construct a tent in the common room.

Invite the ladies to play pretend camping.



Raine Lore

Independent author, reader, graphic artist and photographer. Dabbling in illustration and animation. Top Writer in Fiction. Visit